Maybe you may find some interest in the writings of a Polish analytical philosopher of the XX century Tadeusz Kotarbiński who created a radically materialist conception of "reism" according to which only things exist; this excludes, e.g. what we call processes. I also think that the Australian "school" of analytic philosophy has an opinion of being "materialistic". Finally, Marxism has also found its (not very active now, I think) continuation within the realm of analytic philosophy, e.g. In writings by G.A. Cohen.

Regards, JKiii

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Thanks for the references; I hadn't heard of these thinkers. I will say that my philosophical interests tend to be in continental, pragmaticist, and premodern, rather than analytic, thought. I hope to write something in the not-too-distant future explaining why I think analytic thought often obscures important truths.

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Great article! I had identified methodological materialism as a sort of problem, but didn't have a word for it.

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